About Us – Eve's Body Shop

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About Us

Eve's Body Shop has been certified by the Non-Profit Center for Sexual Health & Pleasure as a community educator and an information resource. If you have any questions regarding any products found on this site or any other site, or how to use a product safely, please contact us so we may provide you with the latest and most accurate information.

We at Eve's try to create a healthy, open, and all-inclusive environment. We pass no judgements here. We are here to promote your sexual health & pleasure, whatever that may be. Whether we provide you with new knowledge about a product, a suggestion for a new activity or toy, or just to support you in your own personal journey, we will always give you honest information based on you and your needs, not some bottom line. We will never try to upsale you or try to convince you to buy a particular product. We want to be a trusted resource for you and a place you can feel comfortable to come back to over and over whether you buy something or not.   

EvesBodyShop.com is commited to providing distictive products ranging from massage products to bubble bath to temporary tattoos. If you need help with anything that is beyond our expertise we will gladly introduce you to the appropriate source. 

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have regarding products. 


              Center for Sexual Health & Pleasure